Author: Bram
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Mali
A story about a former child worker who turned teacher and contributed to the establishment of child labour free zones in Bougouni, Mali. I knew it was via teaching that I could prevent others from having the same fate as me. So the most noble mission was for me to become a teacher. – Noumoutieba…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: stories
63.000 children withdrawn from child labour After 15 years of Stop Child Labour we are proud to collaborate with more than 25 partner organizations around the world, all working with passion and commitment towards the creation of child labour free zones. 63.000 thousands of children have been withdrawn from child labour and are now able…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Uganda
A story about Nakabugo Kasifah, a single mother whose children were engaged in child labour. Joining the saving group and sending her children to the bridge center meant the start of her economic independency and the integration of her children into formal education. The children returned to school on a Monday. It was one of the…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: India
Budphura, India A story about the cobble yard owner Bagwan Das and the local NGO Manjari working together to not only improve the conditions at Bagwan’s yard, but to set an example for the other sites in Budphura as well. For the sake of Budphura and the welfare of the workers, all stakeholder in the…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Ethiopia
The story of Melesech who escaped child marriage when she was 14 years old. Unlike her sisters who were married off when they were 8 and 14, she got the opportunity to continue her education. If I were in my sisters shoes and got married as well I would have been forced to work and…