You want to make sure the products you buy are child labour free, but how do you do this? As a consumer and a citizen, you have a powerful voice!
Companies must be able to show where their products come from, and in cases of abuse, including child labour, they must take action. The government can contribute to change through policies and regulations. We know from experience that we can mobilise businesses and the government to work together on a solution.
Do you want to buy products made exclusively without child labour? Sign up for our newsletter and like us on Facebook. We will keep you up to date on our campaigns, because we also need your voice!
Do you want to buy consciously? The following websites can help you make the right choice:
Clean Clothes campaigns for the improvement of working conditions in the clothing industry.
FairWear and Made-By check whether businesses and their suppliers keep to their agreements on working conditions and sustainability and help them to improve in this area.
Rank a Brand is a brand comparison site that helps you find out how transparent, green and fair your favourite brands are. This information allows you to choose brands that endorse and provide fair working conditions.