
Next steps towards child labour free natural stone in India

There is still child labour in the production of natural stone in India. However, more and more steps are taken to change the situation for children and their families working in this sector. Natural stone companies London Stone and Beltrami are working together with Stop Child Labour partners and local communities in Budhpura to get children out of work and into school. They use their supply chain leverage to urge cobble supplying companies and cobble traders to support the local NGO Manjari in creating ‘child labour free zones’. Through their suppliers Beltrami and London Stone motivate cobble traders to reject child labour in their yards and monitor that children are not involved in home production of cobbles.  Thus both from top-down, through the supply chain, and from bottom-up, children are withdrawn from work and enrolled in schools in Budhpura.

Read the latest blog of Beltrami/Stoneasy & London Stone about their efforts to combat child labour in the natural stone sector in India: