
Successes and lessons from Stop Child Labour evaluation

An external Stop Child Labour evaluation concludes that there is a significant reduction of child labour and increased school attendance in child labour free zones. The evaluation furthers confirms the broader impact in child labour free zones on health, safety, social cohesion, incomes of adults and an existing norm that no child should work and all children should go to school. Companies and CSR initiatives have improved policies and practices and have successfully worked together with Stop Child Labour to set up child labour free zones.

In October 2016, the Stop Child Labour coalition commissioned an external evaluation of its ‘Out of Work, In to School’ programme, that ran from May 2014 to April 2017 and was funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The objective of the evaluation was to reflect on the results, implementation, and design of the “Out of Work” programme and to provide the stakeholders with recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the results of the programme.

Read more about the Stop Child Labour evaluation