Category: Newsletter
L’histoire d’Amos, d’Amina et de Mike
Amos est né il y a 15 ans dans un village proche de la mine d’or ougandaise Rubali. Depuis le décès de sa mère, Amos travaille 12 heures par jour dans une mine d’or afin de soutenir financièrement son père et ses frères et sœur plus jeunes.
L’action des entreprises de l’électronique est loin d’être suffisante
L’action des entreprises de l’électronique en matière de lutte contre le travail des enfants dans l’extraction aurifère est insuffisante. Telle est la conclusion d’une enquête réalisée par SOMO et commandée par Stop Child Labour.
Come into action now or new legislation will be introduced
“I would prefer to support and facilitate, but I am not afraid to introduce new legislation.” These are the words of Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen.
Union at work in the Indian village of Palri Mangaliya
This is the story about Madan (12), Swarupi (10) and Dinesh (9). They live in India, in the village of Palri Mangaliya.
A good story and some patience
Just a few years ago, Jacinta Namayanja from Uganda did not know that child labour is a bad thing. Today she is one of the most active committee members in preventing it in her village Kitubulu.
Child labour in Indian quarries
Child labour occurs frequently Indian quarries. Most Dutch importers of Indian granite give no information from which quarries they are sourcing their granite or say they do not know from which quarries the stone comes from.
Companies involved
Bram Callewier from the Belgian wholesale ‘Beltrami Natural Stone’ writes in his blog about the company’s efforts to combat child labor in the stone sector in India. Together with the Indian NGO Manjari Beltrami is working on the creation and expansion of child labour free zones.