The Stop Child Labour (SCL) coalition is proud to celebrate 20 years of collaboration with many organizations worldwide, all dedicated to protecting children from child labour and ensuring their right to education. Through the establishment of Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZ), communities take active measures to prevent children from being involved in child labour. To celebrate 20 years of the Stop Child Labour coalition, stories have been collected from several partner organizations from different countries. These stories illustrate the lives of key figures within the CLFZ, such as children, teachers, parents, and community mobilisers. As an introduction to the stories, an interview has been conducted with R. Venkat Reddy, the National Convenor of the MV Foundation based in Hyderabad, South India. MV Foundation introduced the concept of CLFZ and inspired many organizations, worldwide, to utilize this intervention in their fight against child labour.
By sharing these stories we are sure we can inspire each other and reconnect to continue our journey with SCL for another 20 years. We would like to thank the contributions of all partner organisations and their commitment to ending child labour.








Burkina Faso

