Category: Algemeen
12 June 2024 World Day Against Child Labour
On the 12th of June is the World Day Against Child Labour. Every year, Stop Child Labour celebrates the work that has been done to eliminate child labour and calls attention to the work that still needs to be done. We must protect children’s rights. We all agree that children should not be working; they…
SCL partner Andrews Addoquaye Tagoe receives 2024 Iqbal Masih Award
We want to congratulate Andrews Addoquaye Tagoe for receiving the 2024 Iqbal Masih Award on June 5th. “This award indicates that our work in rural communities using the CLFZ approach through the area-based approach is yielding results, even in challenging conditions,” To eradicate all forms of child labour we need to work together, it is…
Community-based approach to child labour gets support at Global Conference in Argentina
Stop Child Labour is happy to see in the Final Declaration of the Global Child Labour Conference in Argentina the recognition of the importance of area-based and community interventions for eradicating child labour.
Consultancy: mid-term review for the WNCB programme
Work: No Child’s Business is seeking an international consultancy team to facilitate a participative mid-term review of the programme. Assignment Facilitate a participative mid-term review of the Work: No Child’s Business Programme and provide the Alliance members an ‘outsiders perspective’ on achievements, the quality of our work, and the way we collaborate, and learn. Profile…
Improving small scale gold mining in Busia, Uganda
By: Akky de Kort, WNCB country lead for Uganda WNCB partners Hivos/Stop Child Labour Coalition, UNICEF and EWAD in Uganda have, together with a consortium of partners, finalized the implementation of the Joint Forces to Tackle Child Labour project in Busia, Uganda. The project supported the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) communities in preventing and…
Statement on Zero Tolerance for Child Labour of the European Commission
The Work: No Child’s Business Alliance – consisting of UNICEF Netherlands, Save the Children Netherlands and the Stop Child Labour coalition, together with country offices and partner organizations in Uganda, Ivory Coast, Mali, Vietnam, India and Jordan – is calling on the EU to step up its trade and regulatory efforts to put into practice…
Global Conference on Child Labour: support our position paper
The Global Conference on Child Labour, that will take place in South Africa in May 2022, provides an opportunity, at a crucial time, to mobilise key actors within the international community to take action to protect children’s rights. The Stop Child Labour coalition, Unicef Netherlands, and Save the Children Netherlands, and partner organisations and country offices…
Teacher training in Uganda to improve education
EWAD, Stop Child Labour partner in Uganda, works in Busia on improving education for children and vocational training for youth. This video gives a comprehensive view of the education component under the Work: No Child’s Business programme in Uganda. It very well shows what the partners are doing to protect and support children, and promote…
A second chance for child mothers and girls child labourers in Uganda
Uganda is among the countries that have the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the world. According to UNFPA, 354,736 teenage pregnancies were registered in 2020 and 196,499 in the first 6 months of 2021. This was a period of school closures due to COVID-19. Even before COVID-19, 23% of girls dropped out of school because…
Video report on child labour in agriculture by Voice of America
Voice of America (VO) published this video report on child labour, especially in agriculture in Africa. Gine Zwart from Arisa (Stop Child Labour partner) emphasizes that the clothing and textile companies must be transparent about where they get their cotton so that they too can contribute to eradicating child labour. Voice of America is the…
Over half a million people tell the EU to hold business accountable
Over 80 percent of citizens from across multiple EU countries want strong laws to hold companies liable for overseas human rights and environmental violations. People affected by such corporate driven abuses must be allowed to take the companies responsible to court in Europe, according to a YouGov poll released today. The results – from nine…
Ika Chaalu : universal education and gender equality for adolescent girls in Telangana State, India
In India, Stop Childlabour partner MV foundation, together with Stichting Charity Fund Rijsholt have come up with this great initiative: “Ika Chaalu – Enough is Enough”. Ika Chaalu is a project for achieving universal education and gender equality for adolescent girls in Telangana State and is implemented jointly by MV Foundation and Stichting Charity Fund…
Remembering Robert Gunsinze from Uganda National Teachers Union
Today we remember Robert Gunsinze, from our partner organization UNATU – Uganda National Teachers’ Union. Robert died from Covid-19 in the midst of his life, in the midst of the fight against child labour. He is leaving behind a wife and five children of his own, and thousands of more children in Uganda that are…
5 takeaways from the 2021 Global Estimates on child labour
On the occasion of this years focus on Child Labour, as 2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, you will find many studies and articles addressing the concerns on increasing numbers of child laborours worldwide. these are the five takeways you need to know about child labour and why there is…
Results and Insights from the Child Labor Free Zone Program in West Nile, Uganda
Together with the rainforest alliance, Kyagalanyi coffee, Ceford, UNATU and Hivos, Stop Child Labour have been implementing Child Labour Free Zones in West-Nile, Uganda. The rainforest alliance has shared some very interesting reports on the outcomes of the project. “As is clear from the research presented in this summary, no single organization can tackle child…
ILO and UNICEF warn: Global progress to end child labour has come to a halt for the first time in over 20 years
Global progress to end child labour has come to a halt for the first time in over two decades, reversing the downward trend that saw child labour fall by 94 million between 2000 and 2016. It is estimated that by early 2020, 160 million children were working, which equates to approximately one in ten children.…
Learning materials made available by Aob on the occasion of June 12 | International day against child labour
On the occasion of June 12th, the international day against child labour, Aob (Algemene Onderwijsbond – General Union of Teachers in the Netherlands) has updated its teaching materials on education and child labour. The three packages all contain a short movie about the life of a child labourer, a teachers’ information guide, a pupil’s information booklet,…
Stop Child Labour partner Ceford’s work in West Nile, Uganda
We are happy to share the report on the activities executed by Ceford in West Nile, Uganda, a Stop ChildLabour and Hivos partner. We have implemented CLFZ projects with them in the coffee sector with RA, UNATU and EI and Kyagalanyi Coffee Ltd. Some months ago, Hivos provided them with a small grant of almost…
Stop Child Labour Joined Forces to Tackle Child Labour in Busia, Uganda
Tackling child labour and creating a fair supply chain in gold mines Stop Child Labour is part of a consortium of partners, led by Fairphone, to have implemented this project in Busia, Uganda from July 2017 until March 2021. The project aim was to improve and support the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) communities by…
Join the webinar on Child Labour by GCE | WNCB on April 13th | 14.30-16.30 (CET)
Child Labour and Education event Global Campaign for Education – Netherlands together with WNCB, organises an online event on the link between child labour and education. The event will mainly be for Netherlands-based organisations working on education in development cooperation, but everyone is welcome to join. Join the webinar on April 13th from 14.30-16.30 (CET) Click…
Rekha Wazir’s response to the recently published article on Child Labour in the Guardan: “Child labour is exploitation: there’s no such thing as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ work”
In response to a recently published article in the Guardian by Elizabeth Sibale titled ‘Child Labour is exploitation – but the household work I did as a child gave me life skills’, (please read the full article here), Rekha Wazir does away with the idea that child labour, in whatever form, can be justified as…
Five lessons on combating child labour in the garment and textile industry
Five lessons on combating child labour in the garment and textile industry Six companies that have signed the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile took concrete steps to eliminate child labour in India and Bangladesh. Akky de Kort, project coordinator at Hivos, explains the five most important lessons of this project. Original article by…
GAWU’s work with the CLFZ in the cocoa areas in Ghana
GAWU’s work with the Child Labour Free Zones in the cocoa areas in Ghana: Watch the video This video represents years of hard work, partnership and community actions hinged on our believe that eliminating child labour and promoting decent work is possible using the integrated area based approaches towards child Labour free zones. In cocoa,…
Case study: Children in the Forgotten Link of the Textile Value Chain project by HPPI India
In order to address the issue of child labour in the textile recycling factories of the Panipat district of the northern Indian state of Haryana, Humana People to People India (HPPI), a New Delhi-based development organisation has since 2013 worked in collaboration with its partner organisations UFF Norway and UFF Finland on providing education to…
Closing the Loop commits to Child Labour Policy
Closing the Loop and Stop Child Labour/Hivos, both part of the Dutch Gold Sector International Responsible Business Conduct Agreement, have worked together to formulate a clear and effective policy on child labour.
Results of a collaborative project to combat child labour in the garment supply chains
Between April 2017 until March 2020, a coalition of parties and companies have worked together to prevent and eliminate child labour in garment supply chains.
Forward to school
The past months have been challenging to say the least, as we have sought a balance between minimizing risks to the health and safety of students and educators and ensuring the continuation of quality teaching and learning for all.
Three publications by Arisa, member of the Stop Child Labour coalition
A report published on June 12, 2020, by Arisa, member of the Stop Child Labour coalition, shows that in the cottonseed and vegetable seed production in six Indian states, important steps have been taken over the past five years to combat child labour
A study on best practices to combat child labour
On the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour, Education International has released the report of a study on best practices identified in projects to combat child labour implemented by teachers’ unions. While the number of child labourers is expected to rise dramatically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, this study conducted by…
Publication of the AGT Annual Report 2019
Stop Child Labour/Hivos as member of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments & Textile (AGT) is sharing the Annual Report of 2019
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Mali
A story about a former child worker who turned teacher and contributed to the establishment of child labour free zones in Bougouni, Mali. I knew it was via teaching that I could prevent others from having the same fate as me. So the most noble mission was for me to become a teacher. – Noumoutieba…
A message of solidarity to all our partners
Dear partners, The COVID-19 crisis is confronting us all with health risks, social changes, and an uprooted daily life at an incredible speed. We hope to find you well and that you and your loved ones are able to navigate the uncertainties of these days. Corona measures are now in place in almost all countries.…
Successful knowledge session on the project ‘Combatting child labour in garment supply chains’
On 17th Feb 2020, Hivos in collaboration with AGT Secretariat (housed at the SER), INretail, FLA, UNICEF and Arisa organized a successful knowledge session on the RVO/FBK project: Combatting child labour in garment supply chains.
Uganda gold partnership won the Responsible Business Award
We are delighted that the Uganda Gold Partnership was selected for the Responsible Business Award 2019 in the category ‘Partnership of the Year’.
Stop Child Labour presents the final report of the ‘Getting down to Business’ (2017-2019) project
The final report presents stories and results in the elimination of child labour and engagement of companies during the 2 years project implementation of the ‘Getting down to Business’ project in Mali, India, Uganda and in the Netherlands.
External evaluation confirms successful collaborations with the private sector in Getting Down to Business programme
An external evaluation of the Getting Down to Business programme, that took place from July 2017 up to July 2019, was carried out by consultancy firm ACE Europe.
Four things you should know about the Netherlands’ new law to eliminate child labour
A historic step was taken in the Netherlands last month when the Dutch Senate voted to adopt the Child Labor Due Diligence Law.
New programme “Work: No Child’s Business” launched to help eliminate child labour
Stop Child Labour (coordinated by Hivos), UNICEF the Netherlands and Save the Children the Netherlands welcome a new opportunity to contribute to the elimination of child labour.
Celebrating 15 years of Stop Child Labour
Stop Child Labour and partner organizations from around the world are celebrating a milestone: 15 years of successful work.
15 Years Stop Childlabour: stories
63.000 children withdrawn from child labour After 15 years of Stop Child Labour we are proud to collaborate with more than 25 partner organizations around the world, all working with passion and commitment towards the creation of child labour free zones. 63.000 thousands of children have been withdrawn from child labour and are now able…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Uganda
A story about Nakabugo Kasifah, a single mother whose children were engaged in child labour. Joining the saving group and sending her children to the bridge center meant the start of her economic independency and the integration of her children into formal education. The children returned to school on a Monday. It was one of the…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: India
Budphura, India A story about the cobble yard owner Bagwan Das and the local NGO Manjari working together to not only improve the conditions at Bagwan’s yard, but to set an example for the other sites in Budphura as well. For the sake of Budphura and the welfare of the workers, all stakeholder in the…
15 Years Stop Childlabour: Ethiopia
The story of Melesech who escaped child marriage when she was 14 years old. Unlike her sisters who were married off when they were 8 and 14, she got the opportunity to continue her education. If I were in my sisters shoes and got married as well I would have been forced to work and…
A gender perspective is an integral part of education unions’ child labour projects
Research into education unions’ child labour projects shows that an effectively mainstreamed focus on the girl child is essential to successfully fight child labour and ensure education for all children.
Number Of Teachers Key To Creating Child Labour Free Zones
London Stone Managing Director Steve Walley tells about progress made in Stop Child Labour project to ban child labour in the natural stone sector in Budhpura, India.
Stop Child Labour launches documentary about fighting child labour in coffee sector
The new documentary about creating child labour free zones in the Ugandan coffee sector provides an inspiring example of how to combat child labour in certified value chains.
Happy holiday season & a child friendly 2019
Stop Child Labour would like to thank you all for your partnership and support in 2018. We look forward to continue working together towards a child labour free world in 2019.
Stop Child Labour participates in Child Labour Platform Meeting in Geneva, 11-12 October 2018
As the only NGO representative, Stop Child Labour contributed to discussions among companies and UN organizations about elimination of child labour in production chains.
Stop Child Labour partner sees small steps to end child labour in India
Venkat Reddy, National Convenor of the Indian MV Foundation, tells in an interview in Dutch newspaper Trouw about a cautious shift from child labour to the school classroom.
New monitoring report: ‘Remedies for Indian seed workers in sight?’
Stop Child Labour and the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN) see that despite progress in addressing child labour, seed companies have not sufficiently addressed the issue yet.
Stop Child Labour business cases
Stop Child Labour has developed business cases to encourage companies to tackle child labour in their production chain.
Stop Child Labour presents annual report ‘Getting down to Business’
The annual report of Stop Child Labour shows progress in the elimination of child labour in countries and sectors under the ‘Getting down to Business’ programme.
Call for expression of interest: consultancy for “Getting down to Business” evaluation
The Stop Child Labour Coalition is inviting interested evaluators to submit a proposal for the external evaluation of the “Getting Down To Business Programme” (2017 – 2019).
Going for child labour free gold in a new partnership
Stop Child Labour joins initiative for building a foundation for better gold mining in Uganda.
Successful training about Business and Human Rights in India
The training “Responsible Business Behaviour for Creating Child Labour Free Zones” strenghtens organizations in cooperating with companies to realize child labour free production in India.
12th of June World Day against Child Labour
To commemorate this year’s World Day Against Child Labour, Stop Child Labour pledges to support and enable child labour free zones worldwide.
Stop Child Labour promotes Child Labour Free Zones at Cocoa Workshop in Brussels
Stop Child Labour shares practical examples of successful action to contribute to accelerating the elimination of child labour in the cocoa production and value chains.
Kyagalanyi Coffee recognised for reducing child labour in Uganda
Kyagalanyi Coffee, part of the Volcafe group, in cooperation with Stop Child Labour, has helped more than 500 children from poor families in the West Nile sub-region to go back to school.
SAVE celebrates Child Labour Free Zones in Tiripur, India
Stop Child Labour partner organization SAVE has proudly declared Wards 16 and 17 in Tirupur free of child labour.
Medal of Honor for Soumana Coulibaly, from Stop Child Labour partner Enda Mali
On 27 February 2018, during an official ceremony, Soumana Coulibaly received a Medal of Honor because of his tireless work and engagement with regards to the rights and wellbeing of children in Mali.
#BehindTheBling campaign: Jewelers should come clean
People spend billions on jewelry every year. But most jewelry brands can’t guarantee their products aren’t tainted by child labour and other human rights abuses. Act now and join the campaign!
New report: workers’ rights violations in production for Western garment brands
Young women and girls employed in India’s garment factories supplying to big international brands are subject to conditions of modern slavery.
And they never lived happily ever after
New research by MV Foundation shows the inextricable link between child labour, child marriage and multiple forms of violence in Telangana, India.
Community-based approach to child labour gets support at Global Conference in Argentina
Stop Child Labour is happy to see in the Final Declaration of the Global Child Labour Conference in Argentina the recognition of the importance of area-based and community interventions for eradicating child labour.
Community-based approach to child labour gets support at Global Conference in Argentina
Stop Child Labour is happy to see in the Final Declaration of the Global Child Labour Conference in Argentina the recognition of the importance of area-based and community interventions for eradicating child labour.
Successful trainings on Business & Human Rights in Mali and Uganda
Stop Child Labour partner organizations in Uganda and Mali have participated in trainings about working together with companies in setting up child labour free zones.
Erussi Sub County in Uganda organizes child labour free week
Following the success of the child labour free zones, Erussi Sub County has organized a child labour free week to celebrate efforts to get children out of work and into school.
New Report Proposes Strategies for Reducing Child Labour in Agra, India
Fair Labor Association and Stop Child Labour Recommend Creation of ‘Child Labour Free Zone’ and more Responsible and Transparent Supply Chains in Leather and Footwear Production.
Stop Child Labour celebrates Child Labour Free Zones on Universal Children’s Day
To celebrate this year’s Universal Day of the Rights of the Child, 20 November, Stop Child Labour reconfirms her pledge made during the Global Conference on Child Labour in Buenos Aires, November 2017.
IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour
Representatives of the Stop Child Labour Coalition participate in the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14 – 16 November 2017.
Combining bottom-up and top-down strategies to stop child labour
Stop Child Labour has prepared a position paper for the Global Child Labour Conference in Argentina with recommendations for more concerted action and effective strategies to eradicate child labour.
Out of Work and into School: what we have accomplished
Stop Child Labour presents key results and best practices from the 2014 – 2017 programme.
New ILO research reveals the true scale of child labour around the world
New research of the International Labour Organization (ILO) has revealed that about 152 million children, aged between 5 and 17, were subject to child labour in 2016.
Stop Child Labour projects from the RVO’s Child Labour Fund
Stop Child Labour has received funding from the RVO’s Child Labour Fund for participation in projects in the context of the sector covenants natural stone, gold and textiles.
Soumba | From goldmines back to school
“My name is Soumba. My parents took me out of school when I was fifteen years old. According to them, I was ready to work and get married.”
During the last three years, for the ‘Out of Work into School’ programme, Stop Child Labour together with local partners, have succeeded in taking more than 20.000 children out of work and into school.
New report: The Dark Sites of Granite
New research, commissioned by the India Committee of the Netherlands and Stop Child Labour, reveals that modern slavery is rampant in granite quarries in South India. In some quarries child labour is found.
Zimbabwe fails to deal with child labour scourge
The thriving sugarcane industry in Chiredzi district has relied mostly on child labour for survival.
Child labour on the rise in the Turkish hazelnut harvest
Independent external monitoring of the hazelnut supply chain in Turkey found that more than ten percent of workers at the visited farms were underage – an increase over the 2.1 percent child labor rate found in 2015.
New Report Identifies Ways to Tackle Child Labour Risks in the Turkish Cotton Sector
Companies and NGOs Cooperate to Trace Cotton Supply Chain in Turkey in Run Up to Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textiles.
Cooperating with the private sector in child labour free zones in Africa
Stop Child Labour has published a guiding document on “Cooperating with the private sector in child labour free zones in Africa”, with practical examples and inspirational stories for all actors to combat child labour.
Frequently Asked Questions about the new Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Law
In February 2017, the lower house of the Dutch Parliament adopted the “Child Labour Due Diligence Law” requiring companies to combat child labour in their supply chains.
Next steps towards child labour free natural stone in India
More and more steps are taken to change the situation of working children and their families in the natural stone sector in India.
Uganda’s teachers are crucial agents of positive change
Stop Child Labour is witnessing great results in Nebbi district, Uganda, where teachers are playing a crucial role in realizing positive change for working children and their families.
Doing certification differently: an example from Uganda
Stop Child Labour is succesfully cooperating with a coffee company and local partners to ban child labour from coffee production in West Nile, Uganda.
Successes and lessons from Stop Child Labour evaluation
External evaluation concludes: Significant reduction child labour and increased school attendance in child labour free zones.
12 June International Day Against Child Labour
There are still more than 168 million child labourers in our world today. This year’s World Day Against Child Labour has focused efforts on the fallout of conflicts and disasters.
New Report Identifies Ways to Mitigate Child Labor Risks in the Turkish Cotton Sector
Companies and NGOs Cooperate to Trace Cotton Supply Chain in Run Up to New Dutch Agreement to End Child Labor in Garment Supply Chains.
External Evaluation of the Out of Work Programme (2014 – 2017)
In October 2016, the Stop Child Labour coalition commissioned an external evaluation of its ‘Out of Work, In to School’ programme, that ran from May 2014 to April 2017
Send children ‘to work’ at school to end child labour in India
“Brands must take responsibility and share their profits to help keep children in school” Brands sourcing garments, shoes, leather and natural stones from India must help create and sustain child labour-free zones by mapping their supply chains and working with communities to boost school enrolment, activists said on Tuesday.
Inspiring End-term meeting ‘Out of Work’
All partners of Stop Child Labour met up in Uganda on 20 March 2017 to evaluate the results of the project ‘Out of Work and into School’. The Dutch coalition discussed the progress of the project with local partners from seven countries.
Jimmy Nelson exhibition #ONCE in Kampala
What would it mean for children if they were simply allowed to be a child? You only get once chance in life to have a childhood. This is what photographer Jimmy Nelson shows with his impressive and positive images in #ONCE.
More than 11,000 signatures against child labour in gold mines
A total of 11,685 people have signed the ‘gold in your hands’ petition over the last few months.
Cooperating with the private sector in Child Labour Free Zones in India
Efforts to reduce and remediate child labour require attention from multiple angles. One key element is the role of the private sector.
Child Labour Due Diligence Law for companies adopted by Dutch Parliament
On February 7, 2017 the Child Labour Due Diligence Law [‘Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid’], initiated by member Van Laar (Labour Party), was adopted by the Dutch Parliament, with 82 votes (of 150 MPS) in favour.
Multi-stakeholder meeting on child labour in leather and footwear in Agra, India (16/17 February 2017)
On 16 – 17 February 2017, The Fair Labor Association, Stop Child Labour Coalition and iMentor are organizing a multi-stakeholder meeting titled “Strengthening Children’s Rights and Decent Work in the Agra Leather and Footwear Cluster”.
Garment brands contribute to low wages & child labour in Bangladesh
The average worker in the Bangladeshi garment industry is getting paid only one third of what is considered to be a living wage. Low wages and long working hours have been found to play a key role in parents’ decisions to take their children out of school and let them work in various jobs.
Kishan is going to school!
Kishan is one of the youngest children in his classroom. He is six years old and he has recently started school. His sister Kali (aged 12) is sitting next to him. She used to look after him while working in stone processing as well.
Two neighbourhoods in Tirupur ‘child labour free’
In Tirupur (India), local NGO SAVE – partner of Stop Child Labour – has declared two neighbourhoods ‘child labour free’.
Dutch government promises 10 million a year to fight child labour
A motion of the MPs Van Laar (Social Democrats) and Voordewind (Christen Union) to structurally spend 10 million euro to fight child labour worldwide won a large majority in the Dutch Parliament this week.
Child labour free zone empowers teachers in Nicaragua
In Nicaragua, the activities carried out by the education union Anden to create a child labour free zone (CLFZ) in La Dalia (Matagalpa Department) has given momentum for education in the region.
Natural stone: Public Procurement and Human Rights
Sandstone and granite are used for paving public spaces like streets and squares and for tiling walls and floors in public buildings like office blocks, train stations and airports.
Stop Child Labour and Jimmy Nelson illustrate the positive impact of child labour free zones
Stop Child Labour presents the #ONCE photo exhibition. Powerful photographs of a journey to a child labour free zone in Uganda, taken by renowned photographer Jimmy Nelson.
A teacher’s dedication to bring children back to school
In Mali, teachers union SNEC is training teachers on the concept of child labour, and the creation of child labour free zones.
Almost 10,000 children ‘Out of Work and into School’
In May 2014, Stop Child Labour started the ‘Out of Work and into School’ programme, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
Successful National Consultation on Child Labour Free Zones in India
In August, Stop Child Labour organized the National Consultation ‘Stepping Stones for creating Child Labour Free Zones’ in New Delhi, India.
Annual Report ‘Out of Work and into School’ – year 2
Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, within this programme we are strengthening and expanding child labour free zones, where possible and relevant with active participation of CSR initiatives and companies.
“New Indian Child Labour Bill allows many children to work”
ndia has a new law against child labour. Or more precisely: the old Child Labour Act of 1986 was recently amended. On July 19, 2016, the Indian Upper House (Rajya Sabha) approved the amendments.
Stop Child Labour signs Sustainable Garment and Textile Sector Covenant
Stop Child Labour signed a Sustainable Garment and Textile Sector Covenant today, together with 55 businesses, their trade organisations, the Dutch government and several other NGOs.
Electronics companies are doing far too little yet to eradicate child labour from gold mining
Electronics companies are not making a big enough effort to combat child labour in gold mining. This is the conclusion of a survey by SOMO commissioned by Stop Child Labour. The electronics industry is the third largest buyer of gold in the world.
The story of Amos, Amina and Mike
Amos was born in a village near the Ugandan gold mine Rubali fifteen years ago. His mother died and in order to support his father and younger sister and brothers financially, he works in a gold mine for 12 hours every day.
World Day Against Child Labour – focus on supply chains
This year, the focus for the World Day Against Child Labour – 12 June – is on child labour and supply chains. With 168 million children still in child labour, all supply chains, from agriculture to manufacturing, services to construction, run the risk that child labour may be present.
Sign the petition!
More than 1 million children are working in gold mines around the world. This gold ends up in our mobile phones and other products we buy.
Kasubi Family Primary School Uganda demolished
Community members of Kasubi woke up to a shock on 24th May 2016 when the school they had left the previous day was half standing by morning.
Electronics companies recognise the need for sustainable mining
Stop Child Labour hosted a Round Table meeting about sustainable mining for the electronics sector on 19 April 2016 together with the GoodElectroncis Network, SOMO and Friends of the Earth / Milieudefensie.
Nearly 15,000 children are working in gold mining in Uganda
Almost 15,000 children are working in small-scale and artisanal gold mining in Uganda, Africa. The majority of these children come into contact with extremely toxic mercury.
Broad support for plan to eliminate child labour from the garment and textile industry
Stop Child Labour welcomes the broad support for the elimination of child labour, forced (child) labour, low wages and other abuses in the global garment and textile industry. Dutch sector associations, the government, trade unions and civil society organisations have agreed on a ‘covenant’ to address these issues in the coming years.
Letter to Dutch Parliament about ‘Decent Work Worldwide’
In a letter to the Dutch Parliament Stop Child Labour makes recommendations to combat child labour and promote decent work. The debate was initiated by two Members of Parliament (MPS) of the Labour Party, member of the present coalition government.
Mr. Kibera: the positive deviant
Kibera Godfrey is a local leader (Defence Secretary) in Kasubi Zone 3, in the Ugandan capital Kampala. This area has a very dense population and like urban poor locales, has high levels of insecure housing, poverty, child labour and single parent headed families.
Zimbabwean volunteers advocate for children’s rights
Setting the tone and keeping the rhythm were the common ingredients that kept this winning team together. Needless also to mention, the innate ability to endure the door-to-door household survey, which has become the corner stone of project.
Mitigating child labour risks in Turkish garment and cotton sector
The Working Group on Child Labour has launched a pilot project to map, identify and mitigate child labour risks in the Turkish apparel supply chain extending back to cotton farms.
Child labour in natural stone: working on solutions together
The Indian sandstone cobble industry is tarnished with stories of poor working conditions, bad labour practices and endemic child labour. While these issues do exist, they are not the whole story.
New ILO guidance tool for companies to eliminate child labour in supply chains
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) have launched a new resource to increase companies’ knowledge and ability to conduct business in line with international labour standards on child labour.
Over 43,000 children into school!
In 2012 Stop Child Labour started its project ‘Omar’s Dream – the beginning of the end of child labour’.
Companies involved in child labour in Indian vegetable seed production
Almost 156,000 Indian children are producing vegetable seeds (tomato, hot pepper, okra), of which 50,000 are below 14 years of age.
Gold, child labour and electronics
More than 1 million children are working in goldmines around the world. Some of this gold ends up in our mobile phones.
Child labour free goldmines
The organisation EndaMali works to eradicate child labour from informal gold mining in the Sikasso region in Mali. For example by setting up child-labour-free zones.
No excuse for child labour
No child should be working. Every child has the right to a good education, the right to play, and the right to really be a child.
Almost half a million Indian children produce cottonseed
Almost half a million Indian children are working to produce the cottonseed that is the basis for our garments and all the other textile products that we use. Around 200,000 of them are below 14 years of age.
Child Labour Free Zones evaluated
Over the last 3 years, Stop Child Labour partners have been implementing the Omar’s Dream project to strengthen and expand child labour free zones in 9 African countries. Child labour free zones (CLFZ) are geographical areas where all children are systematically being withdrawn from labour and (re)integrated into formal, full-time schools. In Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia,…
Child labour in the gold industry
Gold is one of the most expensive metals in the world and is not only used to make jewelry. The report ‘Child Mined Gold in your gadgets” from DanWatch in 2013 shows that gold is also an important material for the electronics companies.
A classroom full of children
Imagine a classroom full of children. In the first row sits Monica from Uganda, 17 years old, who once was a street vendor and now is a great debater in senior 3. The number of children who were able to start a new life in school is growing fast.
Child Labour Free Zones Handbook
To share experiences and inspire others to implement and support the area-based approach towards child labour free zones, the international Stop Child Labour movement has developed a handbook with experiences from around the world.
Celebrating Child Labour Free Zones
Over the last three years, in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Morocco child labour free zones have been established and in Mali, Senegal and Burkina Faso preparations have been made for the implementation of CLFZ.
Modern slavery and child labour in Indian quarries
Modern slavery is widespread in Indian quarries. Child labour also occurs frequently. Most Dutch importers of Indian granite give no information from which quarries they are sourcing their granite or say they do not know from which quarries the stone comes from.
Bi-Annual report for Omar’s Dream project, March 2015
Hivos was granted with the project, “Omar’s Dream, the beginning of the end of child labour” by the Nationale Postcode Loterij in March 2012 for a period of 3 years
Child labour in cottonseed fields of Gujarat
Every year thousands of tribal children from South Rajasthan and North Gujarat are trafficked to cottonseed plots in North Gujarat for work in the cotton seed fields, in particular to do cross-pollination by hand.
200 child labourers rescued in Hyderabad
Around 200 children employed at bangle-making and footwear workshops in Aman Nagar area in Hyderabad, India, were rescued by the city police.
Kick-off new SCL programme – report available now
With this programme, Stop Child Labour aims to strengthen and expand child labour free zones (CLFZ) world-wide, where possible and relevant with active participation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and companies.
New Report: Modern day slavery in the Indian textile industry
‘Flawed Fabrics’ – a new report by SOMO and ICN – shows that workers are still facing appalling labour conditions that amount to forced labour in the export-oriented Southern Indian textile industry.
The Story of Shoes
There is more to leather than its attractive appearance. In many developing countries, leather production gives rise to animal suffering, environmental pollution, deforestation and child labour.
Child labour, long hours and low wages still rife in Turkish hazelnut production
Rampant child labour, long working hours and below minimum wages have been found during an independent investigation by the Fair Labor Association (FLA) of Nestlé’s hazelnut supply chain in Turkey.
Shoe company association works on policy against child labour
The Association for Large Retailers (ALR) in shoes is working on ‘a sector-wide ambition in the field of CSR, including the eradication of child labour’. That is one of the answers of Minister Ploumen on parliamentary questions on the report ‘Working on the Right Shoes’.
Workers’ Union in Ghana forming Child Labour Free Zones
The General Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) would form 30 Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZ) in three districts in the Volta, Eastern and Ashanti regions by the end of July 2015 to facilitate efforts to eradicate child labour in those regions.